NATIONALS: A Show Choir Geek's Fantasyland

This weekend marks an epic moment in history. My alma mater show choir will be competing for the title of  national show choir champions and let's face it: they're gonna win

In choosing to upload like a thousand pictures to my blog, I wanted to emphasize the point that show choir WAS my life. I am an alumni of the Wheaton-Warrenville South "Classics," a nationally-ranked show choir and so proud of it! I made the group my sophomore year of high school and my love for performing has come from it. So what exactly is "show choir"? Let's define it by describing a week in my life while I was a member of the group.

Typical Show Choir Hell Week

Monday and Thursday
School from 7:20-2:15
3-4 Possible choreography review session or vocal review session
4-5 Homework (who are we kidding?)
5-5:30 Dinner...but not too big because you'll puke at rehearsal if you do
6-9 Rehearsal, consisting of the following: dancing til you pass out, singing til your throat bleeds, repeating the same movements a thousand times, getting yelled out for being lazy, maybe learning some new choreography, running the competition show 2-3 times full out, concluding the night with a witty speech from Burlace, apologizing for his yelling and/or inspiring and lifting the spirits of the group. 
9-9:30 Take down risers and talk shit about people from rehearsal i.e. "God, Sara can't even do the choreography right! She looks like she's half asleep onstage," "I'm gonna kill the soprano section, no one has the balls to sing the A!" "Garrett (real example) was SO crunchy clean on his choreography today!"

Every other day of the week, we're either talking about or practicing show choir.

To be in show choir means to eat, live and breathe it, at least you plan to take it seriously. The old adage stands true: You can take the kid out of show choir, but you can't take the show choir out of the kid.

So this weekend, I going to watch my group, that worked so hard to get to where we are, compete nationally. I could not be more proud of their accomplishments and I am even more proud to be an alum!

until tomorrow...


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