My First Post: How Surreal

hello world.

After much debate for quite some time now, I have decided to start blogging, simply because I have a lot to say and really no mode of communication to express my thoughts and emotions or  to share the topsy turvy tales of my life. Before I begin, you should probably know some basics:

Name: Anna Kathryn Perrotti
Location: Chicago, IL aka the greatest city on earth (more to come later...)
Current Occupation: Cashier at Whole Foods Market, a position granting me the titles of "hippy" by conservatives and "agent of big business" by liberals
Planned Occupation: English/Music Educator
Dream Occupation: Food Critic and/or Actress
Favorite Food: Peanut Noodles and TRUE ITALIAN COOKING
Nationality: 50 Irish, 50 Italian
Favorite Colors: Coral and Periwinkle Blue (or whatever color my wall in my room is)
Activities in Spare Time: eating more than my body wants, loving little baby penguins, watching any movie I can get my hands on, shopping till I drop, Eating (again), Traveling the world and seeing everything, obsessing over the fact that I wish I lived in Europe, seeing shows on and off Broadway, watching Penguins hockey, 80's pop culture, memorizing every line from every episode of Friends, planning to see Barbra Streisand live sometime in my life, openly discussing sexual liberation, jamming to Dave Matthews, living and loving the city of Chicago, singing, theatre and drinking, (again more than my body wants) specifically Captain Morgan, Long Islands and Wine.

Eating too much...

Drinking too much...

I want the words I write to be more than just pixels on a computer screen. To quote Dante Gabriel Rosetti "A sonnet is a moments monument." My posts will reflect the "good times, the bad times and the shit times" (shamelessly stolen quote from Borat) and maybe even be entertaining.

Until tomorrow...


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