Shit, my friends now know about my blog.


The real world and the virtual world have crossed over. I shamelessly exposed my blog to them and now, I can not longer scorn and bitch about them in a public forum. This could lead to some negative repercussions...So instead, I decided to do a little tribute about each of them, hoping that they'll read it and feel good about themselves for a brief moment the return to their bitter, self-loathing lives (only joking, kinda).

I will specify that these friends are in NO particular order of favorites. And that no dirty secrets will be revealed, I can't go "Harriet the Spy" on all of them and have them hate me for writing down things observed in my journal. How about to keep it fair, I go in chronological order of when I met them?

Caitlin Deirdre Lynch

I decided to chose a picture where we look like utter and complete hotties, so that we can remember the good days. I met Caitlin in a very ambiguous year, sometime in preschool presumably, that it's so far back, I can't even imagine my life without us being friends. The story of our meeting is quite simple: we apparently played Power Rangers at preschool and some fists were thrown and time out ensued. Blame it on the heat of the moment, I don't really know. Then we both went to the same babysitters, Mrs. Trippi (who has forever changed my life) and we essentially grew up together. From the American Girl doll years, to the boy crazy years, we've been through it all. One time in 4th grade, Caitlin was failing spelling and since I've possessed my English talents for most my life, offered to help her. She took it very offensively and did not speak to me for week, but it felt like a lifetime. That's the only time we've ever fought.  What I love most about Caitlin is that she so sweet. She would never hurt ANYONE intentionally and says just the darndest things. Caitlin has a twin brother named Conor, who is also a complete jem of human, and they constantly fight. It's hilarious when Caitlin shares another Conor and her sibling moment of yelling and fighting.  She's a great listener and a total hottie, my wingman if you will, with impeccable fashion sense. Whenever I wanna see a movie, that looks even remotely dumb, Caitlin will either a) smile and see it with me or b) want to see it too. We are almost always on the same page and she is so much fun to be with. If Caitlin were an animal, she'd be a dog, because she's loyal, cute and has a sweet disposition and great attitude about everyone. Oh and she's afraid of E.T. so a themed party is still in order... hehehe

Cassidy Jane Drew 

This bitch and I at DMB. We met on swim team in 5th grade because we were the only preteens conscious of cleanliness and getting the chlorine out of our naturally blonde hair after practices. We shared almost all beauty products and both did our hair in the class "tight bun" post shower. Cassidy and I have always been on the same wavelength: we both take jokes too far, we feed off each others jokes and have the exact same sense of humor. We had a bit of a rocky patch sophomore year that brought a boy in between us (which we simply look back on as dumb dumb dumb and WTF were we thinking?) and we've never faulted in understanding the value of our friendship. We always have so many great laughs when were together, and like she's pointed out before, when we hang out, its nice to just simply listen to the other talk. Cassidy has this cat named Hannah, who we have coined a "sista from da hood" because she got her at Animal shelter. One of these days, we'll get her a red bandana to wear with some bling. We gossip a lot, which is bad but whatever, we're betches. I was so happy when I found out that Cassidy had committed to DePaul because it was only a few 'L' stops away from Loyola. Cassidy is the kind of friend that is always there for you and will always tell the you truth, even if its not what you want to hear at the time. We jam at concerts during the summer and have extremely similar tastes in music, especially DMB. We've shared a lot of firsts together and I love looking back on all the shit we did, because we did it together.

Madeline Kristine Cahue

Madeline and I met in the awkwardness of 6th grade health class, where apparently I was very scary to her and she was very scary to me. I was also obsessed with her 6th grade boyfriend, who was quite the hottie back then and still remains pretty hot, which freaked her out. Then we did cheerleading and show choir together and became pals. Our conversations can go from the intellectual and deep to just stupid and silly. We both are obsessed with shopping and other girly delights, she she is also one of my betches.  Madeline is also a fucking BABE. Every guy loves her and every girl wants to be her friend. She always has her shit together and works her ass off at everything she does. I wish I had an ounce of Madeline's drive, I'm just lazy. She is a terrible driver and even more terrible with directions, but as of this year, she finally learned how to use a GPS, so my services are no longer needed. Our biggest common ground is show choir. She was the dancer and I was the singer so we exchanged talents, or more like Madeline retaught me choreography every freaking year and no one cared about vocals. One time during freshman year, I told her if she showed up to school everyday that week, it'd buy her Jamba (Madeline was notorious for ditching first period to sleep) and it never happened. Madeline's the kind of friend who sees things objectively and will always be fair in judging others or situations.  We've shared a lot of great moments together, and I admire Madeline because she's the kind of person I WISH I could be. 

I have work tomorrow and all this joy I am spreading is taking a lot out of me. So consider this Friends edition one. 

until I get off work at 8 fucking thirty tomorrow,


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