drinking vodka and lemonade on a wednesday afternoon: Betch Lifestyle

Happy Hump Day!

So in order to procrastinate on the two wonderful papers I have due tomorrow in my English and Adolescent Development classes respectively, I decided to share with my blogging world about a hilarious website I found yesterday while I was using Stumble Upon (ironically, I was procrastinating then too).

No really, its true! I have never found a website that has spoken more true to me. In college, there's a whole new sets of social cliques that one can fit into. It's not like high school where you're a popular kid, jock, nerd, band geek or theatre freak. It's a fucking lifestyle that more that includes more than one of those cliques. It's very non-exclusive. In college, everyone knows about  bro lifestyle (obviously comprised of frat daddys, lax players and guidos), Sorority girls (which can honestly follow under any clique), people who party (again..you can party and be in a sorority), smart kids (who can party) and burnouts(really...they're everywhere). But in college, everyone seems to float or be cross-defined under multiple of these! Which leads me to the "Betch" Lifestyle, one that I so readily associate with. I know betches from across the map: Theatre Betches, Music Betches, Burnout Betches, Sorority Betches, Geeky Betches. They all act in the same betchy way, but go about handling those betchy situations in unique ways.

Definition (according to Betcheslovethissite.com)

Betch: noun. \ˈbech\
A betch is a bitch but she’s not just mean for no reason, she’s edgy. She’s quick and she owns whatever situation she’s in. If a bro had a vagina he’d be a betch. So if you like all the shit on this site you’re probably a betch, and if you don’t we don’t care because you’re probably uncool or like, really sweet, either way we’re not interested.

Top 10 Reasons why I, Anna Perrotti, am a total Betch.
1. I talk shit constantly about people.
2. I drink only hard liquor and wine, and beer if I am truly shithoused.
3. I attempt to diet, but then fail miserably after the lingering smell of french fries comes to my nose after a long night of long islands.
4. Before I was in the committed and loving relationship I am with my boyfriend, Brian, I was a little man manipulator! I even used a few tricks to get him into me (Brian, if you're reading this, you know I love you... :) )
5. I constantly abbrev. Totes.
6. My birthday is my goddamn favorite holiday.
7. I am blogging right now and drinking vodka and lemonade. Another Obvi
8. I love buying things. Some call it being a shopaholic. Yup, that's me.
9. I have a nickname for almost everything. Boys, people I don't know but judge, people I hate, my boyfriend.
10. I am a total pill popper. One headache, and I am rushing to the Aleave. Can't sleep...I love you Tylenol PM.

Not saying that I am in anyway a BITCH. Do NOT confuse BETCH with BITCH. I love to have a good time and be nice a friendly, but as the definition states, I'll always have a reason behind my actions. I'm not just gonna go around and be mean for no apparent reason. Where's the fun in that? Then everyone truly hates you.

Now I have to finish off my skky and lemonade before voice lessons.


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