Organics and Bitches: My life at Whole Foods

Sorry fellow bloggers! I have been swamped with working like a donkey at Whole Foods the past 2 weeks that I have neglected to post anything :( I am a terrible person and promise to keep up in a more timely manner

Since I have been dedicating so much time to work, I figured I'd talk a little bit about the organic food emporium of Whole Foods Market Wheaton.

From "Whole Paycheck" to "expensive as shit," I've heard every single nickname that has been created for this great place of business. While I may complain about the ridiculousness of my job and bitch about how much it cuts into my social life, I love where I work. My co-workers are some of the nicest, hardworking and unique people I have met in my life and the benefits of working there are pretty spectacular. From a great insurance plan, to a 401k, not to mention my 20% discount (which I can apply to be greater if my blood pressure, bmi and shit are all in order), the job is pretty much foolproof, especially for a college student. I'd even say I'm pretty good at my job and provide a pretty good amount of customer service. While the jobs has an immense amount of perks, there are also the downsides to my job. So I have decided to compile my one and only list of things that irritate me while I work as a cashier so that next time you go up to a cashier, you'll think of my shining face and the anger that's penetrating underneath me as you do any of the following:

1. Talking on your cell phone: The golden rule is completely applicable. If you scream at your son on the phone while I ring you up, I will pack your groceries like shit.

2. Asking me to "override" coupons: At Whole Foods, we provide store coupons that have some pretty sweet deals on them. However, you can only use one per transaction as a way to keep everything fair. I have some customers who will beg me to accept 3 coupons and then make it look like it was my fault for not accepting them. Just today I had a women give me 3 coupons for $1.00 off canned tomatoes. I nicely told the woman that we do not accept more than one coupon per order, to which she made up this bullshit story about how she "really needs the coupon" because "they are the only tomatoes she eats" BULLSHIT WOMAN. So then I have to bother my supervisor to override these dumbass coupons because people can't read the terms of using them.

3. Complaining about checks being obsolete: Yes, we stopped accepting checks LAST MAY people. They are out of date and cause a lot of hassle for our cash up office. Buy a debit card and join the 21st century. And if you're not cool with that, and are completely paranoid by identity theft, get some fucking cash!

4. Pronouncing ethnic foods properly as to appear smart: Saying "croissant" like "cwahson" doesn't make you look cooler in my eyes. It tells me you took all 3 years of French in high school. I don't care. 

5. Paying in change: I think any cashier can say that this is the BIGGEST PAIN IN THE ASS EVER. Do you realize that hours after you have left my line and I get off after a long hard day, I have to count all that money and be accountable for it. If I am 5% or more under or over what I made in sales that day, I get a unsatisfactory work warning. Please, be respectful and go to a Coinstar and give me cash. 

All things considering, that's a pretty short list. There also is this one customer who will make you key in the UPC number for EVERY product, because she's afraid the rays of the scanner will give her cancer or something. WTF, do you realize that all the products with UPCs get scanned about a million times before they even enter the sales floor? Ridiculous.

May I just say one more time that regardless of these little complaints I have about working at Whole Foods, I love it. Being able to try out different types of foods you would not have tried otherwise, meeting and interacting with people, doing something for the environment and community is all really cool and fun to do. I'd love to someday work at corporate Whole Foods, and even my boyfriend Brian (who has worked there for 5 years now!) would love to work with the higher ups. Maybe someday we'll be making six figures selling organics, what a thought...

I must be off to bed, early run tomorrow with Brian at Herrick Lake (hopefully he doesn't kill me like last time)



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