The Most Historic Weekend of My Life

Sorry world to have blogged so little in the past few days, as the title states...


Let's break down all the crazy shit that happend April 29-May 1, a la "Best Week Ever" on Vh1.

Friday, April 29th 2011
Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding!
OFFICIALLY PERFECT photo | Royal Wedding, Kate Middleton, Prince William
I cried my eyes out! What a beautiful wedding...I secretly wish that Brian was the Prince of Poland so we could be married in the same style. Oh well.

Saturday, April 30th 2011
WWSHS Classics win National Championship!

The video says it all.

Sunday, May 1st 2011
Osama bin Laden is announced dead!

There I was, innocently watching a sex trafficking documentary on MSNBC and then there is a breaking news of the President making an announcement to the world! Who thought he'd killed the single-greatest threat to the US to date? He told the country that he had found a lead last August and finally found that it had lead him to bin Laden being hidden in a compound in Pakistan. So the CIA went in, hand-to-hand combat, and shot and killed him.

I really hate that people have turned this into a political issue. Liberal or conservative, all Americans should rejoice in the fact that "justice has been served" after the terrible happenings of 9/11. Also, we should take time to remember the tragedy of 9/11 and honor the men and women who served in the war on terror.

But if we're gonna make it political...

until tomorrow...


  1. Truth, truth, truth, not to mention that you finished Freshman year. This is really one of those weeks we can tell our kids about in 20 years and sound culturally aware. It's a good thing you were watching that documentary :-)


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